Knowledge Networks
in Science and Technology
NETSCI 2017 SATELLITE (June 20 2017, Indianapolis, Indiana)
Human knowledge is inherently complex, involving diverse and differentiated components that are woven together by multiplex, functional ties. It is also highly dynamic, manifesting incremental growth punctuated by unexpected breakthroughs and transformations. Although the complex nature of knowledge production has been long studied, it is only recently that systematic and quantitative understandings are made possible by the availability of digital traces of knowledge products, the development of machine learning techniques, and the advancement of network science.
Example research includes drug discovery using semantic networks between chemicals and diseases, intelligent systems based on knowledge graphs extracted from Wikipedia, and prediction of future technologies from networks of patent classes, just to name a few. And the focus is shifting from citation patterns to semantic or functional relationships between knowledge elements in those systems, whether they being chemicals, proteins, genes, technologies, concepts or simply words.
There is now a wide spectrum of network models and techniques that are developed by researchers on knowledge systems from different perspectives. This symposium will bring together researchers from a wide range of fields working on domain-specific or general knowledge networks, and survey state-of-the-art theories, models, methods, and findings in studies of the complex systems of human knowledge, with the goal to identify regularities and commonalities in different knowledge networks, share cutting-edge methods and discoveries, foster collaborations across knowledge domains, and eventually, generate new knowledge from old.
We now invite submission of abstracts for oral presentations at the symposium. If you would like to present your work, please send your abstract to Abstracts will be accepted on a rolling basis until the end of April or the slots are filled. We hope to cover a broad range of topics including but not limited to:
Registration for this Satellite is free, but participants still need to register for the main conference.